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Dec 21 Damian Chambers
I recently received a call to fulfil a preaching appointment. The theme that I was given to address was, “Peace on earth”. As I thought about the theme, I questioned the idea of peace on earth. Starting with my country Jamaica, I thought about the avalanche of crime and violence that has taken over the landscape in Jamaica. As a preacher of the gospel, a Christian, I listen to the news numb; wondering what to do?
Read MoreMar 21 Damian Chambers
She has no name; this was not her story. The story was about Jairus and his daughter. Her status did not allow her to get the attention of the crowd. She could not climb a tree like Zacchaeus or scream like the two blind men, but she needed Jesus. It was not her time, but time was not on her side.
Read MoreDec 20 Damian Chambers
What is your address? No; not your postal address, your web address. People no longer search for you by your postal address, they search using Google or other search engines, hoping to find your web address. This applies to your church also. When people ‘Google’ your church name, the top three things they will find about your church are your social media accounts, GPS location, and/or your web address.
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