Fuel for your Devotional Life

What is in your House?

To the question, “What have they seen in your house?” Hezekiah answered, “They have seen all that is in my house. There is nothing in my storehouses that I did not show them.”   Isaiah 39:4 (ESV).

When people come to your house (as a Christian), what do they see? What do you show them? 

Do they only see the expensive furniture? Or your pantry full of food? Or your expensive wardrobe? 

Hezekiah thought that all that was in his house to show the Babylonian visitors were the things in his store houses. But the Lord sent a message to him, “Hear the word of the Lord of hosts: Behold, the days are coming, when all that is in your house, and that which your fathers have stored up till this day, shall be carried to Babylon.” Isaiah 39:5–6 (ESV).

In other words, the temporal things in which you boasts will all vanish one day. They are of no value in the scheme of things. 


So, let me rephrase the question. “What is in your house that will last forever? What’s in your house that’s worth showing guests? 


Hezekiah had much more than what was in his storehouse that he could have shared. God had recently added 15 years to his life. At least he could have showed that. The angel of the Lord had recently defeated the Assyrian army of 180+ thousand in defense of Hezekiah’s kingdom.


In other words, Hezekiah had much more to show his guests than what was in his storehouse. But, like many of us, we place so much value on the earthly storehouse, that we forget the blessings of God, which are of eternal value. 


So, what should people see in our house? They should meet Jesus. They should know that “Jesus lives here”. We should never be ashamed of owning Him. For He is the greatest and only possession that will last us for eternity.

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